​Reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Theresa Wiggs, Notre Dame Associate

In this week’s Gospel we read that Jesus taught his friends The Lord’s Prayer. This prayer is so familiar we may on occasion say it without truly reflecting on the words and meaning. It is so central to our faith that we recite it during the Mass. This prayer serves both as a way to praise and give glory to God our Father and also challenge us. The prayer says, ‘….forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ This is the challenge. To forgive, as you want to be forgiven. This is not always easy to do.

Further on in Luke’s Gospel we are told to:
Ask…so that we may receive,
Seek…so that we may find, and
Knock…so that the door may be opened.

This passage reminds me to be humble and seek help from God. To refrain from worry and put my concerns in His capable hands.

This week let us each say the Our Father with special attention and appreciation for the love our Lord has for each one of us.